Tag Archives: channel coding

Wireless Book

About this book

This textbook covers fundamental topics in Telecommunication including Channel Modeling, Modulation/Demodulation, Channel Coding/Decoding, Multicarrier, Capacity, Antenna Arrays, Diversity, and 4G/5G. It will also cover advanced topics such as High-Resolution Spectral Estimation, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, Index Modulation, Full-Duplex, and Millimeter Wave. This book will mainly target engineering students (both graduate and advanced undergraduate) who are new to the fields of Communication and Signal Processing and are struggling to understand the fundamental concepts. This book will help the students step by step by introducing the concepts first in their most basic form and then providing the code that the students can experiment with. It contains pedagogical elements such as chapter introductions, end-of-chapter questions and numerical problems, MATLAB/Octave/Python code, figures and tables, and a website (raymaps.com) for feedback and interaction. It will not only be helpful for undergraduate and graduate students but also for professional engineers and hobbyists.

Buy the book here.

About the author

Yasir Ahmed has more than 20 years of experience in various organizations in Pakistan, Europe, and the USA in both Engineering and Management roles. He worked as a Research Assistant in the Mobile and Portable Radio Group (MPRG) of Virginia Tech under the supervision of Dr. Jeff Reed and was one of the first researchers to propose Space Time Block Codes (STBCs) for eight transmit antennas. The collaboration with MPRG has continued over the years and has resulted in 12 research publications and a book on Wireless Communications. Yasir worked as GM SEED at Ignite National Technology Fund, a company involved in supporting the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country. He previously worked for Qualcomm USA, leading the physical layer performance and conformance testing of GSM/UMTS modems, and for COMSATS Islamabad as an Assistant Professor, teaching various subjects in the Telecom and Networks area. He was part of the Ignite team that evaluated multi-billion-rupee NIC and DigiSkills programs and has also helped fund a number of startups that have gone on to become successful commercial ventures.

Buy the book here.

Low Density Parity Check Codes

We have previously discussed Block Codes and Convolutional Codes and their coding and decoding techniques particularly syndrome-based decoding and Viterbi decoding. Now we discuss an advanced form of Block Codes known as Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes. These codes were first proposed by Robert Gallager in 1960 but they did not get immediate recognition as they were quite cumbersome to code and decode. But in 1995 the interest in these codes was revived, after discovery of Turbo Codes. Both these codes achieve the Shannon Limit and have been adopted in many wireless communication systems including 5G.

Continue reading Low Density Parity Check Codes

Convolutional Codes and Viterbi Decoding

In the previous post we discussed block codes and their decoding mechanisms. It was observed that with syndrome-based decoding there is only a minimal advantage over the no coding case. With Maximal Likelihood (ML) decoding there is significant improvement in performance but computational complexity increases exponentially with length of the code and alphabet size. This is where convolutional codes come to the rescue.

Continue reading Convolutional Codes and Viterbi Decoding

Hamming Codes

We have previously discussed modulation and demodulation in wireless communications, now we turn our attention to channel coding. We know that in a wireless channel the transmitted information gets corrupted due to noise and fading and we get what are called bit errors. One way to overcome this problem is to transmit the same information multiple times. In coding terminology this is called a repetition code. But this is not recommended as it results in reduced data rate and reduced spectral efficiency.

Continue reading Hamming Codes

Udemy Course

Introduction to Wireless Communications

• In this course you will learn the basic principles of wireless communications from 1G to 5G and beyond. You will learn about frequency reuse, capacity, channel coding, modulation and demodulation, OFDM, MIMO, and a host of other topics.

• This course is for you if you are a student and have just started learning about wireless communications or if you are a guy in the field who wants to get a better handle on the fundamental concepts of wireless communications.

Here is the link to the course.